HR & Personnel Development
Rely on MicroLearning to promote and qualify specialists and managers in your company. With KnowledgeFox you can train employees in a targeted manner.
With the MicroLearning method, you have many opportunities in the area of HR and personnel development to train your employees individually. In personnel selection, onboarding, in vocational training or in management training.

Security & Compliance
Improve your employees' understanding of compliance with laws, guidelines and codes with the KnowledgeFox learning app.
Use the learning app to increase the acceptance and effectiveness of mandatory training in your company. This ensures that internal processes are carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations and laws.
Marketing & Sales
Take advantage of MicroLearning and train your employees and sales partners. In this way you not only increase your technical know-how, but ultimately also your turnover.
Regardless of whether you want to train your marketing team or bring sales partners closer to your product - the innovative learning app from KnowledgeFox supports you in conveying specialist and product specific content.

Technology & Expertise
Use MicroLearning to specifically convey technical and professional content to your employees.
The training of specialists and the transfer of technical know-how requires efficient didactics. KnowledgeFox adapted mobile learning to the needs of companies in order to achieve the greatest possible learning success.